'I see myself using my communication skills in an Organisation. I want to help change the world a little bit …'

‘Ten questions for Vini’

👨Vinícius Vieira
🌍 From Brazil ​
📣 International Communication and Media (Public and Corporate affairs track)
🎓Third year student on Campus Mechelen, and is getting ready to change the world

Why did you choose the International Communication and Media course?

I had more personal reasons to come to Belgium, so I looked for international courses taught in English when I decided to study here. I have a background in English tutoring back in Brazil, so International Communication and media felt like the next level for my professional career, broadening my language skills and my creative side.

If you had 1 minute and 30 seconds. How would you describe the International Communication and Media Course?

Vinicius studies International Communication and Media - Public and Corporate Affairs

Why did you choose Belgium?

My personal reason to come here was love (laughs). My partner is from here. At first, I had the chance to come to Belgium as a tourist, and I realized Belgium is a safer place and I could feel more like myself here. Combining this aspect with a higher education degree seemed like the right move to make.

Why did you choose Thomas More?

Besides the logistic factor, since I am based in Antwerp and coming to Mechelen is very convenient, I was drawn by the fact that Thomas More has this young atmosphere. I am 33 but I have a younger personality, which matches the character of the school.

How was your interaction with the younger students?

Thomas More made it possible for me to start my studies in the middle of the academic year, so at first, I was a bit apprehensive because I did not know if I would blend in with the students and pick up the pace with the studies. In the end, it took no time for me to feel at ease. Everyone was friendly and helpful, the teachers are easy to reach, and the environment is rather casual, which I love it. (smiles)

Do you work during the weekends?

Before Corona, I was working more regularly, I even worked for the school for a couple of months. Nowadays, I just do little jobs, whatever comes, from cleaning, to hospitality to a little bit of English tutoring. I also get to apply a little bit of the knowledge acquired here to help the communication of my partner’s gallery.

Do you want to stay in Belgium?

That is the plan! The plan is to find a job after my internship and stay here.

Where are you doing your internship?

I am doing my internship at the Flanders Literature Organisation. They mostly communicate in Dutch, promoting and facilitating the publishing of Flemish authors and illustrators, but currently, they have a European-wide project, Every Story Matters, that aims to bring more diversity and inclusivity in the literary sector.

What is your dream job?

I chose the Public and Corporate Affairs track because I see myself using my communication skills in an organisation. I want to help change the world a little bit, by helping people or a cause, especially if it is in the LGBTQAI+ environment. I would be extra passionate about it (smiles).


Fast Round! This or that?

Online or offline? Are we talking about classes? (laughs). Offline!

  • Practice or theory? Practice!
  • Hand in an assignment far in advance or work through the night? Hand in a bit in advance.

Sausage roll or salad of the day? I’m vegetarian!!!

  • Continue to study or go to work? Go to work.
  • Earn a lot of money or be happy in your job? Behappy in my job (with a working visa)! (laughs )
  • Student club or not? I’m a people person! (smiles)

🧡 Came to Belgium primarily for love

🎓The first batch of Thomas More international students to start the programme in the middle of the academic year.

🌈 Wants to help change the world, by working in an (LGBTQIA+) organization.



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About Thomas More

Thomas More is the largest university of applied sciences in Flanders (Belgium), offering more than 40 Dutch-taught and a range of English-taught bachelor's degree programmes in the province of Antwerp. Next to that, Thomas More offers exchange programmes in English, for students from partner universities. Where it sparks. Where it happens.